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What are the differences between the geocells and the geogrid?

Publish Time: 2023-04-14     Origin: Site

What are the differences between the geocells and the geogrid?

Although there are several geosynthetic products for ground reinforcement, geocells and geogrids are used most extensively. Before choosing one, you need to know how they differ and what applications they are suited for.

The differences between geocells and geogrids include their shapes, the degree of flexibility they provide, and their relative load-bearing capacities. Both have similar ground and roadway support applications, geocells are more suited for soft subgrades than geogrids. Geogrids are also used in the construction of retaining walls in addition to roads, driveways, and parking lots.

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Geocells vs. Geogrids

Although both are similar geosynthetic products, geocells and geogrids differ based on their shape, lateral restriction and stiffness, and load-bearing capacity.


The geocell is a deep, three-dimensional mesh structure, while the geogrid is typically two-dimensional.  Geocells interlock to resemble a honeycomb-like structure. As the name suggests, geogrids resemble a tight grid.

Lateral Restriction and Stiffness

The 2D structure of geogrids makes them more flexible than geocells and ideal for use in instances where a flexible top support or a separator is needed. A geogrid is a flatter, tighter structure that inhibits adjustability more so than a geocell.

Load-Bearing Capacity

The 3D structure and the vertical support of each cell give geocells superior load-bearing capacity. Geocells are less likely to bend, buckle, and sink into the subgrade over time.  Furthermore, almost any infill material can be used with geocells. The relatively flat nature of geogrids restricts the type of infill you can use with this product.

What Applications Are Each Product Best Suited For?

Geocells and geogrids are two types of geosynthetic products. These are synthetic products used in civil engineering projects to stabilize terrains like slopes and erosion-prone soils.

These products are typically made from polymers and are used extensively in artificial earth-supported projects, systems, and structures that demand high durability.

Geogrids and geocells are best suited for constructing earth-retaining and earth-supported structures like steep slopes and mechanically stabilized earth retaining walls.

These structures need to be durable, withstand vertical or lateral pressure, and provide support for other structural components.

Where can geocells and geogrids be used respectively?

Geocells make it possible to use locally-available, cheap, and even poorly-graded and inferior aggregates. For instance, local native soils, quarry waste, and recycled materials can be used as infill.This reduces the overall cost of projects and benefits the environment by keeping waste products away from landfills.

Geogrids can reinforce shallow foundations by increasing the load-bearing capacity. Both uniaxial and bi-axial geogrids are used to stabilize the soil below a shallow foundation. Geogrids are easy to install and are ideal for such applications where the structural load is distributed between the foundation and the reinforcement layer.

Any more questions,please feel free contact us.

Angela Gao


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